Divider Curtains
Divider curtains by Spalding® provide the most effective way to separate your athletic space into sections. Easy to implement and cost effective, these curtains come in three easy formats. Choose from a simple manual version or a mechanized version, both help manage your space better.

All Spalding Divider Curtains have double 1″ outer edges to eliminate fraying. The lower section of the curtain is constructed of a solid 18 oz.. vinyl, with the upper section made of a 9 oz. mesh with 2” welded seams. Select standard colors, or ask about custom configurations and colors. Custom logos and graphics can be added to curtains. Curtains meet California State Fire Code.
• Most cost effective way to divide your gym.
• Best curtain option for maximum clearance on ceiling heights below 28’
• A 3” pocket lines the bottom edge of the curtain to accommodate the coil-proof chain as a weighted base
• Track is made from 16 gauge galvanized steel which holds trolley wheels for easy mobility .
• Vinyl fabric lines the top edge of the curtain with grommets every 12”, which attach to the carriers and s-hooks.
• Storage space is 1/8” per foot of the curtain.
• Curtain does not utilize a winch, but is moveable by manpower similar to a shower curtain.
• Offers a clean way to divide your gymnasium into two useful areas
• Accordion folds are powered by 1/8” steel cables running through grommets vertically, to a clean pocket at the bottom of the curtain with a weighted pipe
• Cables wrap neatly on a 5” spool rotated by a 3/4 hp electric winch
• Strap connection to bottom batten tube to prevent sharp edges
• These custom curtains contour to the slope of your facility’s roof line for maximum ceiling coverage
• Curtain accordion folds when raising with 1/8” steel cables, grommets and overhead pulleys, driven by a 3/4 hp electric winch
• Vinyl fabric lines the top edge of the curtain with grommets every 12”, attaching to the carrier and s-hooks
• S-hooks attach on the top of the curtain by a chain, carrier rollers sit in a 16 gauge steel channel track keeping lines clean
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